No one’s gonna care so I guess I’m just writing this for myself.
this site was fun for me to post my fanart on and make games with my friends back in middle school, but I just have no reason to keep posting anymore.
i stopped making fanart a while ago, and my art isn’t really in the style people like to see on here LOL. and although i still come here to watch other peoples work, aside from games most people share their animations and art on other sites anyway. plus I don’t love being flooded with fetish material every time I click the art tab.
not a long lived account, just 3 years. and this ramble probably reeks of being a newgen or whatever but it’s whatevs
if u care enough my insta is linked, if not, it’s been fun! Buh bye
I just wanna say i just looked at your art and i find it beautiful
lol thanks, I’m not deleting anything so everything will still be up, just no new posts